The Gathering of Sandy Sagear Wall of Courage Honorees, Family, and Friends, February 17, 2024 @ 11:00 a.m. at Plymouth High School, 8400 N Beck Rd, Canton, MI.
Special Thanks to Elizabeth Barker, Melissa Israel, & Marcel Madonna
Sandy’s sister, Vonnie, & Jimmy Bench
Dennis Jones, Artist & Creator of the Sandra Sagear Wall of Courage
Honoring the Honorees, Families, and Friends
Thank you’s
The Honorees’ Stories are online @
Video #1 – Vonnie Bench, Jerry Trumpka, & Deb Madonna, provided by David Ham:
Video #2 – Dennis Jones & Deb Madonna, provided by David Ham
Video #3 – Kennedy Israel & Deb Madonna, provided by David Ham
Video #4 – Melissa Israel & Deb Madonna, Naming the Honorees, provided by David Ham
Video #5 – Vonnie & Jimmy Bench, & Scott Lee, provided by David Ham:

10:45 Music by Vonnie Bench, Jimmy Bench, Scott Lee
11:00 Arrival of Guests
11:20 Welcome to the Gathering of Sandy Sagear Wall of Courage Honorees, Families, Friends.
My Name is Deb Madonna and this is Kennedy Israel. We are the co-chairs of Sandy Sagear Committee.
I would like to introduce you to our helpers. Elizabeth Barker, mother of Ted. Melissa Israel, mother of Delaney, & Marcel Madonna, husband of mine.
Deb Madonna
Sandy Sagear
On Monday Sept 30, 2002, at 7:00 p.m., in this building, the new Plymouth High School, there was a Dedication Ceremony for the newest PCCS School.
In attendance, were the new principal, the Superintendent, the School Board Members. Of course, the P-CEP Pep Band were there, as well.
There was a spot in the program that included remarks about the Sagear Wall. Jerry Trumpka and I took it. Jerry and I were co-chairs of the Sagear Committee.
We spoke about Sandy and who she was. In a few minutes, Dennis Jones will speak about the art of this wall, its meaning, and the power it could have.
Sandy was a graduate of the old Plymouth High School, Class of 1969.
I was is the class of 1969, too.
The old high school was a 3-story building. No elevator was available to Sandy. There were No Lifts on the bus.
This was the 60s, girls wore skirts, no jeans, no backpacks.
Her braces and crutches made it difficult to “walk” up the stairs.
Instead of using the Main Staircase, she scooted up the stairway, next to lunchroom.
I met Sandy one morning in the lunchroom, and soon, I was one of the friends that carried her books and purse to the 2nd floor. She spent her time taking classes on the 2nd floor and in the library.
She did this because she wanted to go to school. So that is what she did.
As she said, “Can’t Never Did Anything. Can Did It All.”
Sandy’s braces were visible. She understood that. But she was a teenager who wanted to do things, the things that meant something to her.
If you notice the important things about a person, soon the braces were not so visible.
And what is left was a young woman who laughed and had friends. Sandy knew what she wanted and she was determined to get to where she wanted to go… even if she had to scoot on her bottom up the stairs.
Sandy and I also worked together and her sense of humor made the job fun. I am sure she was better behaved than I was. Yes, she was better behaved than I was.
I don’t know when I learned that Sandy was backstage at the Beatles’ Concert at Olympia Stadium in a Body Cast.
When I think of that day, I soon forgot about the Body Cast and could only see her smile and hear her squealing.
Why the mural? Because Sandy is not the only person who faced adversity. Others’ struggles were not always visible.
What Sandy and the people whose name is here, had the gifts of Independence, Tenacity, Perseverance, Courage. You will never forget their spirit. Ever.
Family and Friends
For every name on the wall, there are families and friends.
Today is the chance to meet each other.
The stories show their families’ spirit too.
I would like to ask you to read all their stories.
I have. Several times. The Stories are online
I discovered that their families have great courage, too.
Deb Madonna
Some of Sandy’s family are:
Mother & Father:
Howard & Darleene Sagear
Brother & Sister:
Tim & Donna Sagear
Vonnie & Jimmy Bench
Nephews & Nieces:
Josh Bench, Lisa Kruse-Bench, Violet, Robyn, & Auden
Tiffany & James Lambert
The music you heard this morning is by Vonnie & Jimmy Bench, and Scott Lee. They will play more later.
Deb Madonna introduces Vonnie Bench.
Deb Madonna
Jerry Trumpka was my partner on the Wall of Courage.
Jerry contracted polio when he was 8 months old. He walked, using crutches for a long time, but when I met him, he used a scooter.
I was looking for information about polio and I contacted the United Way. They told me that I needed to talk to Jerry.
I called Jerry and told him about Sandy and that I wanted to do something to honor her and others who faced polio and other obstacles, seen and unseen.
I didn’t know that he had polio. We had one conversation and Jerry said, “I’m in”.
Jerry was the person who woke up every day and found some way to help others and he fought to eradicate polio. He didn’t want to see another child affected by polio. Jerry felt a kinship with Sandy.
For the next few years, we hunted for the right idea, We always sent notes to Sandy’s brother, Tim, and sister, Vonnie, with the latest news. Dennis Jones sketched out the ideas.
There are athletic fields, pools, auditoriums, libraries, and parking lots for kids who had a car. Surely an 18’ x 9’ wall would be a good place to start.
Dennis Jones built the wall. 5 people were added to the mural in the first few years. 63 Sandra Sagear Scholarships were given to high school seniors, (which were supported by the Sagear family and Rotary Club of Plymouth a.m.).
Jerry passed away in 2008 from post-polio syndrome.
Jerry was in the audience at the same Beatles concert as Sandy.
If Jerry were here today, he would be proud.
Deb Madonna introduces Dennis Jones, Artist & Creator of the Sandy Sagear Wall of Courage
Deb Madonna
I met Kennedy Israel, a Salem High School Senior, last year.
She was working on an assignment for Darrin Silvester’s Michigan History class, the 200th Anniversary of Plymouth and a Senior Independent Study Project.
And that is when I met her.
We had several conversations about Plymouth and Sandra Sagear. I told her that I hoped to add more names to the Wall of Courage.
Kennedy said, “I’m in.”
It didn’t take long until it was clear that Kennedy cared for the people around her.
She Noticed the people around her. She listened to people, even those that didn’t speak. And she Imagined how the world treated others and a better way for all.
Kennedy Israel
Hello! I am Kennedy Israel, and I am currently a freshman at Michigan State. Last year, I was in a class called Michigan History at Salem High School. Part of that class was researching an event, place, or person that was relative to Plymouth history and also something that related to our passion. While researching, my teacher connected me with Deb Madonna because he believed she would not only be a good reference for my research, but that her knowledge and connections would benefit me beyond that.
So, what I thought would be a quick interview with Deb at her house, turned into a 3-hour conversation. She shared Sandra Sagear’s story with me, and I was immediately intrigued. Sandra’s story is truly inspiring. In addition, hearing the other stories of all of the courageous individuals that were previously added to the wall encouraged me to help not only add more names but also spread more stories.
Behind every name on the wall is a story of courage and perseverance that every person honored is connected with. Every person on the wall has a unique story that should be shared and remembered. I am so thankful for Deb and the opportunity she has provided me with. I am so blessed to be a part of something that recognizes and shares the stories of so many incredible individuals, including my sister, Delaney. Often, I think people tend to focus on the end product, but this wall celebrates the journey people have taken and, for some, will continue to take.
Debra Madonna
What have we learned from these people and their stories?
We learned that Parents and Siblings are important.
We learned that Families are important.
We learned that Friends are important.
We learned that Parents and Siblings listen to their Child.
We learned that Parents and Siblings are in their Child’s Corner.
We learned that Parents and Siblings will protect their Child’s Dreams.
We learned that Parents and Siblings will provide Adventures that seem to be Impossible.
We learned that Parents and Siblings call their Families and Friends when they need a Posse.
We learned that Families and Friends show up when they are asked … and even when they weren’t asked.
What have we learned about the Honorees?
They have a lot of dreams.
They think a lot about a lot of things.
They sometimes had to stand up to mean kids.
That a grand gesture can be when someone Opened a Door,
when the Door is Held Open,
when a Bigger Door is built so that Anyone can Come in and Out… Easily.
When a Curb Cut is made so that someone who is using a wheelchair or pushing a stroller can cross a street Easily.
Give a child a Drawing pad of paper and lots, lots of colors.
Give a child a surprise squealing party.
Occupy an active child who has to be in bed for quite a while. Feed their Imagination. Don’t dampen their spirit and dreams. This is where you have to call in Friends.
Find all the titanium you can.
Just because a child can scoot up stairs, it is really a good idea to make a janitor’s elevator available.
It’s a Good Day to have a Good Day.
You never know what side of a helping hand you will be on.
Two things that are so powerful that you can say to a child:
“Do You want to Play.”
“Do You want to be My Friend?”
Melissa Israel and Deb Madonna, Honoring the Honorees, the Families, and Friends.
As we call out Names of the Honorees, would Families and Friends, please raise your hands or stand.
Thank You’s
Please Mingle and Meet other the Honorees and their Families.
Meet & Ask Dennis Jones about the Mural.
More Music from Vonnie Bench, Jimmy Bench, & Scott Lee.
Vonnie has the memorabilia from the Beatles concert, signed book and cards by Paul, John, George, and Ringo.
Take Photos. Please send photos and videos to share on the website and fb
If you would like to come back to see the mural or others who couldn’t be here, contact me.
The Honorees’ Stories are now online @
1:00 p.m. Programs Ends and all the chairs returned from where they came from.
Listen Notice Imagine
Imagine what I Imagine
Imagine what You Imagine
Imagine what Others Imagine